Though silence is not necessarily an admission, it is not a denial, either.

Marcus Tullius Cicero

I feel like Ramesses the Great? My throne an office chair sitting at my desk. Complete with cats to protect me, from everything except mosquitoes. I just learned about him he lived for 91 years and was king for 66 years, awesome. He died of Arthritis, yup got plenty of that.

I am the king of denial. My throat pain got worse, I started the day with a coughing fit.  It wasn’t persistent, I have had many of those before, check out my DEC 25 post. Temp is rising slightly @ 36. 6.

O2 was low this morning until I did some deep breathing I started the day @91 percent and managed to get that back to 97 percent. It has been there before COVID lots of times. I will check those through the day. I have pain in my lower back on each side, that is a concern since the infection has been known to cause kidney problems.

The sad thing, I always wore a mask but wasn’t good at keeping my hands sanitized. And I had to adjust my mask constantly. I did better with my own mask, but it had a fatal flaw. It would protect me from others but would not protect others from me. So I stopped wearing that one and opted for the masks that are being handed out at hospitals and drive-thrus in Alberta. They wouldn’t keep fine sawdust out of my lungs, so how are they going to stop COVID. I think we are being fooled into a false sense of security to cover up the bungling of the Alberta Government, the way they have handled this crisis from the beginning has been absolutely stupid. If the masks were any good what happened at Misericordia Hospital? Five deaths so far, fucking shameful.

UPDATE 9 DEATHS 58 CASES AT Misericordia Hospital.

Wear masks? Definitely, but better ones than the ones being handed out.

I went outside to snap a few pics of the same scene at around 8 AM. I was definitely having problems walking and I do remember waking at 2 AM with some extreme dizziness. Could I be wrong? Most definitely.

Will I stay at home for a few more days? Absolutely.

I am running out of power again, I will have to go out and start the generator, I hear the heavy rain hitting the sheet metal roof above my desk. My voltage in my solar battery banks is down to 12.1 volts.



Well, the generator is gassed up and ran for about a minute. It needed oil. I decided to do that where I am running the gen, under the cover of my front entrance. The only problem, it was where the mosquitos were hiding from the rain, thousands of them. The Quickest oil add I ever did. I also brought in the laundry hung out for days now never to get completely dry.

The generator is running now, and I decided to bring in a full bucket of rainwater for filtering. Replaced the empty bucket for another. The water tank is full but I don’t entirely trust it. I ordered another tank for inside that should get me through the winter. 330 gallons and it will fit through the door and the best part it was on sale.

I already ordered and paid for a drill pump to pump it over, but I need to set up a filter when the tank gets here.

All I have to do is survive until it gets here. One more hint as to what is happening, my lips are tingling, that happens before I get sick, a cold sore is developing. When my immune system gets weak that appears just before a cold. Since I read that some common colds are another type of coronavirus, that is not good.

8:8:11 PM O2 96 Temp 36.5 I feel ill. Dizzy. I am  not sick , I am not sick , ok I might be. Maybe it was the quinoa macaroni, ya that’s it.  At least I still have my sense of humor. I just read sneezing is not a symptom of COVID.  I was sneezing.

I didnt win,  apparently you can both at the same time. I will just have to wait and see.

Take care and be safe

Had to be this song.