I asked someone the other day, if you were handling barbwire, would you wear gloves? The answer was of course was yes. Then I pointed to the mask I was wearing and walked away

From the word of Rod

I have been contemplating the whole  CORONAVIRUS  COVID thing. I remember back to when HIV was a new thing. No one wanted to be tested for fear that the government would brand, track and surveil and right now it is exactly what they are doing. They are attempting to track everyone. A few months ago the CRA wanted to track every purchase we made through our bank accounts, right now the government is tracking every download everything we do on the internet, Google, apple, Facebook, Microsoft tracks and steals personal information then sells that to the government and corporations for profit. These are known facts.

Now the madman Trump is having all the information about the infected sent directly to Washington instead of the CDC, does anyone really believe that is a good thing? Do you think he will lie to his own people and the world about how many are infected, so he can restart the economy there so his pals can get rich again?

Not wearing masks isn’t the answer, it is a stupid way to protest against the government, would those of you still having casual sex stop wearing condoms to protest government stupidity? Find a better way.

Or maybe that is the better way, cull the herd let the stupids die.  Maybe.  I shake my head and wonder is this the zombie apocalypse? You can recognize the angry mobs they lear at you for wearing a mask.

I guess in the end I am as angry as they are, just sitting on a different side of the fence.