The fool who persists in his folly will become wise.

William Blake

4:42 AM  awake again. I have no idea why I seem to wake up at that time. Maybe the aliens have finished checking their implants. Do I really believe that? No, but I have an acquaintance that will say that is the truth. He was abducted, why aliens would choose a man that is crippled beyond belief to abduct is beyond my realm of thinking. Most likely my circadian clock needs a reboot or is damaged. Ya go ahead and Google I will wait.

I looked ahead at the forecast rain and more rain. I decided to bring in my boards for the frame of the deck, so I could cut them to size and add hangars without worrying about rain. I am still a little weak after my brush with that thing. The boards are inside and ready to work on It just occurred to me that there is a small roof leak above the boards. I can work around that I will have to be bait for the aggressive mosquitos I let in while I brought the boards in. After that, I just need to find the parts and screws I need.

Now getting the first and the second 16 foot 2×10 board up will be interesting. I also have a lot of debris to move out of the way. That will need better weather and fewer mosquitos. I did try the mosquito jacket I have, they like that, I think they see it as a challenge, it seems to attract them.

As I hear the thunder and storms rolling in, I have my tools and parts ready. No boards are cut, just ready.  I am still a little too tired to continue today. There is tomorrow. Slowly I will keep going till I can get my deck up. Work a little, rest a lot.

I went outside to collect some joist hangars and fed more vampires. When I got back inside I found the hangars I already had and swore were not there 5 minutes ago. I had a little laugh and said to myself they needed retrieving.

Noisy clouds rolling in