By a Carpenter mankind was made, and only by that Carpenter can mankind be remade.

Desiderius Erasmus

More rain feels like Vancouver.

I managed to cut five boards for the rear deck. It took all I had, I am tuckered out. I will work on the deck boards again tomorrow. Next, I need to repair or replace the OSB on the wall behind where the deck will be attached to the wall.

I miss doing carpentry I may not be good at it, but I enjoy it. Looking at my tools I wonder If Jesus had Ryobi would we still have Gospel? You may think that is blasphemy but I’ll bet he is smiling.

All this to make 5 cuts

I went back out and worked on moving the debris that is in the way of the deck. How do you move wet horrible rotting. Boards, nails protruding, drywall, glass, insulation, old plumbing and worse. Leftover from a reno and repair three years ago.

One piece at a time. At least until the mosquito alarm went off. You could feel it if you couldn’t hear it.
“Bloodbag with shoes back of the house all squadrons attack”

And they did, hundreds of them, soon my arms and back were on fire. I had no choice but to retreat inside.

When I got in I realized I was exhausted and out of breath again.

I crawled behind the safety of my squito net and collapsed. That is where I am now typing this. And here I wait for the next line of thunderstorms to roll through.

If Plant can find love at his age, maybe I can too, although I am not a rockstar.