I will seize fate by the throat; it shall certainly never wholly overcome me.

Ludwig van Beethoven

3:00 AM my throat pain returned with a vengeance. Not the sore throat of a virus, something much worse. Something that began a year ago. I suspect thyroid cancer My thyroid was working correctly according to the last tests. Some medical websites say you can have thyroid cancer and still have a normal functioning thyroid.

The pain is only on the left side of my throat just off-center and has been around long since COVID was supposed to have started. This morning the pain was more intense. Later in the day problems with my right arm, pain in the joints and shoulder muscles.. They say that God never gives you more than you can handle. I am sure they had never had adversity in their lives.

It is late in the afternoon, I did the litter boxes. That job is done for this week. I am way overheated. Had a scare for a moment my oxy checker said 86% after a few moments it went up to 97. My internal temp is at around 36. External temp way too fookin hot.