I am not a robot. I have a heart and I bleed.

Serena Williams


It is 6:30 AM cats are fed and watered a few pics have been taken. Morning’s coffee is sitting beside me. No, I didn’t go to the village to retrieve my latest Amazon order, the one with the powdered whole milk Today’s coffee ihas oat milk in it. Is that a suitable addition to coffee? Only in emergencies.

This when I try to make the plans for the day, while I wait for my body to wake up. It wakes a lot later than my mind does, although I have to say that is always a bit foggy before coffee.  My body is a reluctant robot that creaks and groans as I walk down the stairs to do my morning chores.

My hair feels like a spring wildfire before it starts, dry and brittle, ears are ringing, all just waiting for that sip, the last of my vices, the caffeine in the stainless steel and plastic vessel.

I have given up almost all others, alcohol, drugs, most pharma unless absolutely given no other choice. I don’t do painkillers, need them but don’t take them. I was taking aspirin but now that is off my list, thanks to a recently found small ulcer at the bottom of my esophagus. So now it is just the morning coffee.

Even vitamins are no longer the answer for me since I found out that big Pharma makes those too. It is not in their best interest to make things that help your health. And I did get a confirmation that bottled water is full of bad things including microplastics.

I have my own water filtration system, I noticed that when I put a Costco 15l water through there that it took three times as long to filter, as rainwater did, and my rainwater tank is questionable. The megacorp behind most of the bottled water Nestle.

6:30 AM

7:15 AM