There’s over a billion people on this planet that don’t have access to clean drinking water.

Michael Moore

I had wild epic technicolour dreams with intricate details and complicated dramas. I don’t get those often, but when I do they are so real. I awake tired from all the action in the dreams. I slept in till almost 10 AM.

I didn’t have one I am sure it was four or five. I only woke once during the night and that was to have my old man nighttime pee. I was so exhausted from the dreams then I had to almost crawl to the facility, which for me is a Costco 15l water bottle. What? If the highest paid actor known to man can pee in a bottle so can I.  I have my version of a composting toilet. I poop into a plastic bag in a bucket (yes there is a toilet seat). In the winter that is fed into the woodstove. Yes, my poop heats the house. My urine I am experimenting with that as a fertilizer and a weed killer.

So far my urine directly poured on some weeds kills them. On the internet, many people mix it with water 1:15 to make fertilizer for the garden. Go ahead and google it, my words will wait here till you get back.

Imagine a world where we recycle pee and pour that into plants instead of chemicals. One day I hope to find a cheap way to turn that back into drinking water. By the wrinkled face, you just made you obviously didn’t know that it is already done in the ISS, and we as the human race will need that technology to travel in space.

When they are on Mars planting survival gardens where do you think they will get fertilizer, at the Mars-based Home depot. Every pound that travels to space is critical, water included. No, I am not wearing my mad scientist coat and glasses.

We need to rethink how we waste, water on the planet. Read the news we are losing our ice sheets, droughts are coming, we will all need to grow our own food as much as possible, and we will have to reclaim our water. It is just a fact.

Of course, you can stick your head in the sand and pretend that it is not happening, but that sand will be dry.

I have to get out to my deck before it gets too hot to work. I will add more later.

Scooter duty the one pound cat first time seeing the outdoors

It is going to be a very hot day

Well, it happened the sunlight came around the house and started to bake me into a soggy crisp. I had just finished the last two joists and really wanted to continue, but could not. I will be staining the boards in the morning, then Joist hangers and bolts. After that repair the stairs and then it will be time for thunderstorms. Deck boards the next day, maybe.

Just up making my own version of an energy drink,  some aloe vera juice, a little almond milk, some apple cider vinegar, some club soda. I forgot the organic honey, next time.


I couldn’t help it I had to go out in the hot sun, with arthritic knees and spaces too tight for an older fat man to enter, I stained the joists of my new deck.

Although I haven’t checked I am sure I am ten pounds lighter. Wearing a black t-shirt, black sweat pants and black rubber boots in the hot sun under an extreme heat event. I brushed stain on the boards. I was wearing nitrile rubber gloves when I pulled those off my hands were soaked in sweat.

I still need to crawl under the deck and do the bottom edges of the boards, but not today. Today is clean the litter boxes day, my least favourite job, that includes the poops that are beside the litter boxes., Done by the cats who didn’t want to step in the boxes.  After the break and after I rehydrate.

Litter boxes are mostly done, I forgot two little ones, they will get done tomorrow. The heat outside was stifling I am way overheated. Just made another drink and soon I will lay down and rest. I feel good about what I got done today. By my own standards of ten years ago not so much. For today, it’s great.