Cough is back, it is coming from the area between my chest and mouth, bronchial tubes.  I have to remember to do deeper breathing, if I don’t my O2 numbers are low. 92 to 94. A few deep breaths later my little meter reads 96 to 98%.

Just finished my morning chores, fed the cats, watered the cats, let my fat shop cat outside snapped a few pics and was scolded by the chickadees I had not filled their feeder since the snow left. Usually, I don’t have to. I feed them in the winter. I took a bowl full of seeds out there for them.

It seems that the world is out of kilter even for them.

These are the deck boards that need to be hauled out to the back, cut and fastened to the new deck.

Every journey starts with the first step.

Every deck starts off with the first board. It was the worst of days to get work done. I was ill most if the day. By the time i got back outside the heat came on strong.

Yet i stayed long enough to get one board cut and fastened to the deck. Now I am back inside where it feels just as warm. Making a cool drink right now.

Yup that’s Neil Young and Stephen stills