It is better to have your head in the clouds, and know where you are… than to breathe the clearer atmosphere below them, and think that you are in paradise.

Henry David Thoreau

The rain is here. Working on the deck with power tools just ain’t gonna happen. I will turn my attention to getting the water tank in place. No problem.

Just cut a gigantic hole in a supporting wall, clean the old office full of stuff, drag the 300 hundred pound tank into the hole. Oh, I forgot the tank is facing the wrong way.  I need to turn the tank around in my tiny kitchen then do that other stuff.

When all that is done I need to sheet and insulate one wall, find a door that will fit in the gaping hole. Then and only then I can start transferring water into the tank. Again I forgot a few steps. I need to fit a shut-off valve on the tank, clean the red algae inside, drain that to the outside of the house, fit a filter on the wall for the incoming water to filter debris and swimming things. Then I can transfer the water from the rainwater tank. That was easy.

Remembering the pain I felt yesterday, somehow putting deck boards on the deck with a broken body seems more fun. The end result will be I will have a source of water for the winter, I am sure I will still be melting snow on the woodstove, maybe just not as much. I have to go soon, solar power just is not happening today, the cloud cover must be very thick.

Miracle I got it home and inside during a windstorm.

The hole is cut, and yes there was water at the bottom, and yes there was a wire running through it. I am just about finished the hole, but not started on the cleanup, lots of that to do. I needed a break, so I will decide what to do next after that. So why go to all this trouble? Water is heavy, from 8.3 to 10.22 pounds per gallon, the tank is 330 Gallons. At worst the water and tank could be 3600 pounds full. The floor in that room is cement, the office is almost insulated and I might be able to keep it warm enough to keep the water from freezing. Maybe, let you know in the spring.

Btw all the cutting done was by hand or solar-powered tools.  No dinosaur remains were used.  The batteries are now empty. Need some sun.


I got the hole finished. Tried to get the tank in. No way that was happenning. I measured again. Yup I needed to cut counters move shelves full of books and shelves.

Fook that. I Tried again, this time gave a little twist and it slid itself into place. Not bad for an old man. Of course God really gets the credit. I was ready to cut the counters.