The outward man is the swinging door; the inner man is the still hinge.

Meister Eckhart

Another day of rain and cloud with severe thunderstorms thrown in for fun.

I have exhausted all my available power unless I fire up my gennie. That may happen if i don’t see some solar charging.

I went out to the old grainery, a place I stored stuff ten years ago. Deep inside crawling over tons of building supplies, old bike parts from my old harley, and all manners of brick and brack. What does that even mean?

In the far back corner was an old door. After a few minutes of wiggling through the old junk (treasures) I made it out of the old shed.

Now carrying the heavy old solid wood door across the property over the little creek and through the maze I call a garage. I got it into the kitchen.

A couple of days ago I ran into a box of hinges, somewhere. After looking in the usual spots for that. I found it and quickly opened the box. Inside was a lot of screws and only one shiny hinge. Shit.

I looked through the container of parts where I found the first hinge, nothing matched. Then I dug down to the bottom and there it was, a crusty old hinge that matched the shiny one.

I made a few tests and realized I would have to chisel out a little wood from the door to make the hinges fit. No problem, 6 months ago I ordered a wood chisel set on sale, never used them.

A few minutes later I screwed the hinges on the door. A few minutes after that I levelled and mounted the door.

It was swinging. I still need to frame the opening. It is wider than the door and shorter. Shorter I didn’t mind.

Wider was a cat problem two little cats are already lost in the garage. I had to quit and take a break, my back is hurting from carrying and wrestling the old door into place.

I know it’s upside down