My sorrow, when she’s here with me, thinks these dark days of autumn rain are beautiful as days can be; she loves the bare, the withered tree; she walks the sodden pasture lane.

Robert Frost

I did my morning chores fed and watered the cats. Had to completely empty the bin. Today is the day. I need to pour a little gas down Gracie’s throat to get the engine fired.

Hearing her fire up is a good moment for me. Next it’s open the garage doors and make the trip to the village and then to town.

Armed in only end of the month cash I head out for town, you know the jingly kind that makes noise when you shake it.

First to the village, picked the cat food order from Amazon. Then a half hour further down the road to the town. Stopped in at the farmers supply, got the plumbing parts I needed. Then to the hardware store to see if they had a water filter bracket, so I could attach a filter housing to the wall above my new inside water tank. They didn’t, so I put one on order. My outside tank was full of leaves and swimming things and all sorts of mean and ugly things.

I needed to transfer the water soon. I saw it, the thing that happens just before freezing. Yup the geese are gathering to fly south. I checked the other big sign and sure enough. The leaves had changed more towards full yellow. No matter what the weatherman says winter was coming fast. We have two seasons here snow and no snow with a one-week smattering of yellow.

Today’s sunny day was just fooling everybody. I drove home and unloaded, put Gracie back in her home. Started to type these words. The following pictures are from other Autumn years and that is me in my old 49. That is gone but now I have a 55 1st Chevy pickup to rebuild.

Me and the 49 a few years ago in the fall

This happened one September and many times in the last twenty years I have been here.

DON’T WORK ON YOUR BACK DECK WHEN YOU ARE TIRED. I fell trough the deck landed hard on my hip, leg and hand. Narrowly missed landing on my phone. That will put me out of commission for a couple of days.

I just did some one handed first aid. First a fresh aloe vera leaf smeared over the wound, salt would have been more pleasant, then some sterile guaze from the first aid kit and a little adhesive tape. I do have some tensor bandage somewhere but could not find it.

Since necessity is neccessity is the mother of invention, I cut the foot off a sock and pulled that over the leg wound.