Any jackass can kick down a barn, but it takes a good carpenter to build one.

Sam Rayburn

That ain’t rain on the hood of the old truck in my driveway its Ice, in August.

Unobstructed views from my back deck. Next spring I can plant a garden again. Yes, one board got forgotten, I can live with that. The tarps will soon go. They were to help kill a thistle problem. It really didn’t work even after four years. Most of the thistles didn’t surface, but I am sure they will when I remove the tarps.

5 years under a black tarp with no moisture and it lives. Thistles The paws that’s cat-cat, looking skinnier. It means I have kittens somewhere.

Halfway done, back is hurtin, I keep telling myself one more board and I will quit for the day. I am lying to myself.

Lots of sins to hide, but I soon will have a deck.

Ya the deck boards are almost done, there are two boards I need to cut on the table saw.

Lots to do yet, I am happy I got this much done today.

Yes I do know the window has to come out, warped osb removed , new osb installed, house wrap , flashing and then siding. Easy peasy. Huh? Oh and the roof done before winter, which is tomorrow.

Just wouldn’t be me doing carpentry without my blood, sweat and tears.

Deck boards done across 16 feet of deck.

Having my second coffee of the day, everything hurts, I can hardly move. I plan to get the roof measured out tomorrow. Tonight I am just going to relax.


Yup I want a beard like that guy.