I’m getting sick and tired of doing anything half-way.

Knute Rockne

Today is just about getting ready to set up my new battery array. I have spent an hour looking at YouTube videos none of them seem to fit what I need to accomplish.
I will have three battery banks. I would love to separate them and still have them charge all at the same time without them draining each other. It doesn’t seem that is possible right now so today is just about getting the area cleaned up and move the steel shelves down to the new location. Did I mention that the steel shelves are full of stuff? The new location also is full of stuff. I have no place to put all the stuff. I will worry about that later.

For now take apart a wooden box I built for kittens, right where the steel shelves will go. Then clean and clean and clean. After that, empty the steel shelves take them apart move them down to the new location reassemble, strengthen them where needed to hold the weight of the new batteries. Then comes all the wiring. Then move some already too heavy batteries from the backroom to the shelves and more wiring. Easy peasy.

I am tired just thinking about the work involved.

Two hours later a corner is cleaned out well mostly. I plan to paint the floor in that room, with some godly awful green paint. Yes, I buy the mistints.

I have a complaint against those that say cats are clean, they are not. They are destroyers, I have many precious books that were spilled on the floor behind the couch and peed on. Antique magazines, antique books and more. I know eventually, I would be getting rid of some of them. But I would have liked the choice. The OSB is a pee shield there is a litter box for boy cats on the other side of that wall.


No Problem find a place to put all this.

This is halfway

Dad start the fire my Fur is cold.

It’s almost together. I had to quit my back was too sore. And there was the matter of a sore throat and yesterday a dry cough. No couldn’t be. Oh, yea it could when I went in to pick up my water pump, I forgot to wear my mask. Just once. When 3 days ago.