Be gentle to all and stern with yourself.

Saint Teresa of Avila

Woke up feeling more pain than usual. My hips hurt especially the injured one, the same punch in the flesh of my shoulder pain was worse today. As I walked with a fat cat to get her through the danger zone (angry little black cat mother with kittens) my ankle gave out completely. That was an ankle I chose not to have fused during the aftermath of a drunk driver hitting me head-on in 1986. My right knee was destroyed and the 12 hours of surgery on that was enough to bear at that time, as was the four years of physio to learn how to walk again.

I made it through the morning chores, fed the cats checked their water, boiled water for coffee, made a bowl of cereal for breakfast. I had a look outside gray and shitty. It was no wonder the outside was alive with farmers scurrying about trying to get their crops off.

I started work on the next battery bank. I moved 240 pounds of them onto the bottom shelf. Next, I needed to wire them up, I was short of wire I needed to connect them to the switch. I needed to make a trip to the village tomorrow. I would get some then.  I just had a thought. The other way was to move one switch lower. After coffee, I would look at that possibility.

That’s why I write here it gives me time to think. These days that is tougher than I would ever admit. Oops, I think I just did admit.

I need one more of these.

So cool there is no driver move your mouse around. The coolest thing, I think the singer edited her own video.

I remember exactly what I was doing when I heard about 911 as I do The assassination of John F.