Apparently there is nothing that cannot happen today.

Mark Twain

110 steps that’s all, 37 minutes of my time to feed, water the cats, snap a few pics from the back deck and the front door, boil water, make coffee, rescue wayward itty bitty kitties. And don’t forget clean up cat puke on aisle 9. Only today you can double the steps my ankle is gone, non-functional, disabled, not working, TU, busted, crippled, damaged. Every step hurt on flat ground and up and down the stairs.

I am here now at my desk and it is Saturday, I need desperately to go to load the trailer on to the van and fill it with 30 bags of garbage. I don’t think that is going to happen. I also need to do laundry I might be able to manage that. I needed to get that done too.  The freezing weather was just days away. I would have to find a way to do winter laundry. Filling the little machine wasn’t the problem it was the draining. I would have to elevate the machine and drain it into 5-gallon buckets.

As I typed I solved that problem. I just created a step down into my old office, machine on the top floor, bucket in the office. I will send pictures when I get that far. I am sure that I am draining my new battery bank too far, so I will have to quit for a while. I need to hookup the voltage gauges in my loft again. Another, that needs doing today project.


Just moved the last battery bank over, and they are all no good. Bad part now I need to move them again to the outdoors. 400 pounds worth. My back is already screaming at me. The good news is some other batteries I have left might be useable. The only way to tell is to charge them and see if they hold a charge.

I didn’t make it to the dump and laundry is not done but I did manage to get the voltmeters up in my loft. They are to make sure I don’t discharge the batteries too far. Go too far and the battery is dead for good.

I also did a little much-needed cleanup. Which gave me two more garbage bags full of stuff. In the winter I usually just burn as much as I can. Even the cat poop goes in. I use wood pellets as cat litter just for that reason. In summer, it tends to pile up, so I am experimenting with that to see if it kills thistles. One of my gardens is invested with them. I am also experimenting with full strength human urine. I have composting toilet urine goes into a different container. Much better than wasting another precious resource (water) on pee and poop. I know it sounds gross, if you read about many gardeners are using it as fertilizer. Watered down, I am using it full strength, so far it kills dandelions and clover, still waiting to see about thistles.

I have one of my gardens covered with a black tarp and has been for five years The thistles survived that. Most were killed.