The greatest glory in living lies not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall.

Ralph Waldo Emerson


199 steps I thought I had streamlined my morning chores apparently not. The following to-do list is for me.

  • Clean kitchen 1 hour. That turned to be two hours and counting. There were things on that floor that were so horrible that pine sol went back to the dark forest, mr clean ran away screaming like a little girl.
  • Clean boys room 1 hour
  • Do more battery refit 1 hour worked on for an hour
  • Do laundry. 1 hour yea right the kitchen needs another two hours
  • Finish assembly trailer dolly 30 min forgot i need a 2 inch ball. Tommorrow.
  • Move trailer closer fill with garbage. 30 min tommorrow
  • Pump water over to the inside tank 30 min it will wait more rain coming
  • Clean battery room 2 hours maybe but i doubt it
  • Move old batteries outside 30 min .nope
  • Collapse and sleep you worked too many hours. Ready to do that now. I have no balance . Arthitus in my knees is bad today. And as always back is already screaming