I think politics is like an X-ray machine: Everything is found out eventually.

Nicolle Wallace

Enjoying your barium breakfast Rod?

I snoozed the 6 AM alarm a few times. Then reset it for a half hour later. It wasn’t a good night for sleeping. Eventually, I got up and gave Gracie a swallow of fresh gas, got her fired up and got rolling down the road. Then I had a bad thought. I was wearing my other jacket yesterday, did I transfer my wallet over? No, I didn’t. I was 15 minutes into my trip, I turned around and went back. I retrieved my wallet and started down the road again.

When I got down towards the bridge heavy fog was waiting for me. The same heavy fog all around Grande Prairie. Instead of being early like I planned, I was running late. When I got to the hospital there was a line up of people getting screened for possible COVID-19 infections. Not really surprised since none in the lineup were wearing a mask. Friday there was an outbreak in the Hospital.

I made it into Grande Prairie. Picked up the part that was supposed to be already sent by mail. Then onto a few hours of drinking things, I would rather not drink,  Roll around on a table to slosh the stuff around in my innards, be irradiated in ways I would not like.  Drank some more things I would rather not drink, wait a while. Get irradiated some more. Wait then more irradiation this time while being flattened on to a table by a machine. Wait for a little longer, then one more irradiation. Then I was free well almost free, the stuff I drank would have to come out in ways I won’t describe. It was either going to be constipation or the other.

I headed out for Costco, bought enough cat food to last awhile. While I was there bought a small case of meatless chili. That would get me through a few more hungry nights. Then it was time to drive home. No fuel left in the tank but I had a 5 gallon can in the back. I found an empty parking lot and poured that in old Gracie. That 5 gallons got us home. I don’t think I want to go any further I am sure I heard her sputter in the driveway while I was opening her garage doors. I got her inside, checked on the cats, said hello and now I am collapsed at my desk typing these words.

Oh BTW the Cranes were right hard frost last night. 15:42 PM I needs a rest.



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