As you think, so shall you become.

Bruce Lee

Looks like smoke from California and rain mixed together out there. I was going to make the famous dump run today, but I am not. I will work on the interior.

It will be slow work anyways, I rescued a cat from my woodwork shop it had been in there 5 days. As soon as I got to the door carrying the small cat it turned into Bruce Lee, Chuck Norris and Jet Li. There was flailing screaming, claws and blood. The blood was mine. Crazy cat, I managed to get her back into the main house but at a great cost. Clawed to the bone.

I would love to get rid of that cat but it is not in my heart to kill it and I sure wouldn’t pawn off that nightmare on my worst enemy. Anyways got important things to do. My coffee is at the right temp and I haven’t had breakfast. Later

I just had a weird thing happen I just had an overwhelming bout of fatique. It was so severe I had to lie down. I have felt tired before but not like this. It was sudden.

I finished wiring a 12 v port with a breaker. The purpose was just to charge ryobi batteries from the solar batteries. Its done and the and the first battery is charged. Solar powered power tools.