When you arise in the morning, think of what a precious privilege it is to be alive – to breathe, to think, to enjoy, to love.

Marcus Aurelius

Another day starts, another day older, but another day still alive.

Today is move the truck out of the driveway day maybe. Depends on if the body holds up. First gas goes in Gracie’s tank, then a little down her throat to get her started. Then backup Gracie to the trailer, get that hooked up and backed down the driveway. Drop that off.

One of the tires is flat on the truck, I need to fill that and chain the truck to Gracie. Then comes the fun part, pull a little, change the steering in the truck, then pull it some more. Change the steering again block the wheels. Unhook Gracie and put her back into her home.

That would be about three hours of work. That is if my body holds out, it is sore before I start.

Why do all this? Snow is coming, I need the truck out of the driveway, I need the trailer closer to the house, I have a load of garbage to go to the dump. I also need to get more water. My new inside tank is not full, not even half.

That job is done, mostly. Poor old Gracie was spinning her tires both pulling and pushing. It rained last night, the grass was wet, and she is just not a 4WD. The truck is off the driveway, but the bad part it was sitting where there was going be a deep puddle of snowmelt in the spring. I would need to find someone with a truck to pull it higher up the Hill.

Now what to do for the rest of the day. I needed to do more wiring on the solar batteries, I also needed to load either garbage or water tanks on the trailer. I decided to wait until Saturday to do the garbage, no sense letting it sit out in the rain. I couldn’t do the water tanks because I needed to try to repair the generator. So it looks like wiring is the way to go.

Disappointing my new made in Canada camping stove crapped out. It must be leaking propane, I put on a new bottle yesterday, heated one kettle full of water and the one-pound bottle is empty. A dangerous situation. I did the next best thing I found some scrap wood in the woodwork shop and started a fire in the woodstove. I boiled water and while there was heat. I threw on a pot of water with Quinoa Macaroni in it. Got hot coffee and a hot supper. Only problem the house is also hot. Later that won’t be a problem, we are forecast for 1-degree Celcius tonight.


For the young: this is a 45 spinning on a platter. It is an old folks version of an mp3 player hahaha