Advice is like snow – the softer it falls, the longer it dwells upon, and the deeper it sinks into the mind.

Samuel Taylor Coleridge

If you could go back in time and have a talk with yourself what would say?  Or maybe you would just watch yourself make the mistakes that made you who you were today. Difficult to grasp the second idea, you may want to avoid the pitfalls in your life, avoid meeting disagreeable people, that you now know cause you problems. For me, I had three major car accidents in my life that caused an immense amount of damage and pain. And there is always the women in my past, I seem to make the worst decisions in partners.

If I changed the most horrible of those choices, my children may not have been born. They are not in my life now. So what difference would that make? It was those children that changed me into who I am.

Onto other topics. First snow forecast for Friday.

Time soon to start chopping wood. Am I ready? Nope.

Always the last tree to lose its leaves. Even during the onslaught of the caterpillars which wipes out thousands of square miles here. Even turns the roads dark brown with squished bugs.

I  thought I would do a little more work on my deck as I have 5 days of rain and snow forecast. It was interesting just needed to cut the tops off 4 posts standing on a small stepladder on the deck already 3 feet above the ground while dizzy. No problem. That was the easy part lifting the 16 foot 4×4, 6 feet above the deck, securing that and not falling off the deck was the fun part. It got done, most of the posts are level and plumb, save one.

I know it doesn’t look pretty back there. First functional pretty later.

Close enough. Now I gotta rest I  hurt in at least 5 colors and even more languages. Those of you that are disabled and still doing things know what I mean.