After a lot of laps, you start to get dizzy.

Lance Stroll

Well for now I have been spared snow for now, but I did see something disturbing in the forecast next Wednesday night it will be minus 9. It means dizziness or not sore muscles, fatigue or whatever health issues are plaguing me, I need to chainsaw and chop wood and feed the fire.
It is cold enough to see my breath inside my house this morning as I did my morning chores.

I woke before sunrise. I slowly and painfully made it to my feet, as It is every day. I used my cellphone to check the stairs on the way down from my loft. Very glad I did there were three very tiny kittens that had learned to climb stairs. No cat tastrophies.

I could hear the cat stranded in the garage crying for food. I only gave her small amounts to try to coax her back inside, The last two times I had picked that cat up she went insano crazy and clawed me to the bone, so I wasn’t picking her up again. I hid behind an open door waited quietly for her to walk through and closed it quickly. She freaked and peaked until she could smell food. That horrible job was done.

Next fill the water filter to make more pure water, Change out yesterday’s clean water for an empty jug. Lifting the 5-gallon container of water to fill the filter was very painful. The jug that used to weigh 50 pounds now weighed a 100 pounds under weakened muscles.

Next onto filling the cat’s bowls with water. Thankful the 5 gallon can was lighter now. I filled the girl cats bowl then onto the boy cats bowl. They are separated.

They also needed food bowls refilled, which was next, while trying to calculate if I had enough cat food for the month. I think I did, I hoped I did.

Out to the wood workshop where I fed the outside cat. I opened the door for her and snapped a few pics before the sunrise.

Now it was time for me, I screwed on the small propane bottle onto the camp stove to heat hot water for coffee. I tried to light it using the igniter on the stove which worked sometimes. It didn’t today. I keep an empty barbecue lighter close by for such times. It still had a spark, enough to get the burner working.

I could hear little stealth kittens behind me invade the kitchen space, I chase them out and continued my coffee quest. I opened the old pantry door found a bamboo paper coffee filter, spooned in a little coffee and left for another morning routine. The trip to the loo.

I just suddenly ran out of power on my laptop. I am very thankful that WP has an autosave feature.

Water was getting warm enough to do the first pour through the cone filter. After three more pours my coffee cup was full enough to haul upstairs. I unscrewed the propane bottle, I found out recently there was a small leak somewhere and the bottles would empty in a few days. Just a fact of life.

As I said soon I would be burning wood to heat the house during winter that’s where the hot water for coffee and where meals are heated. At least until I run out of wood. I calculated I may have enough to get me through till December If I ration. And that is what I am doing now, I wear a bathrobe and sweaters to compensate for the cooler temps inside.

It is what it is. I just found out that my wood supplier is no longer in business. When the coldest weather arrives in January and continues till March I could be frozen, solid. The really sad thing no one will find out maybe for months.

My  day went as expected I  tried to get some inside work done. It was catlitter day. I also burned a few of the cardboard boxes that i left out for the boy cats. They love to break those apart for fun.

Today the throat pain came back with a vengeance. Could be the virus, except it has been going for a long time.