I give infinite thanks to God, who has been pleased to make me the first observer of marvelous things.

Galileo Galilei

I just had my traditional thanksgiving meal, a bowl of cereal and a large cup of coffee. A long way from the effort put in when I had kids, always made sure there was a turkey, stuffing, cranberry sauce, sweet potatoes. I miss that a little.

Enough about that. The dizziness remains but it is less this morning. I decide to change cereals and even switched to almond milk instead of oat milk to see if any of those were the culprits. I don’t believe that my oat milk is causing me dizziness or any of the other things but I need to rule them out as possible causes.

This interesting, my Chinese-made bathrobe blocks my phone’s ability to count the steps in my morning routine. I am guessing some metallic fibres in there. Or maybe radioactive particles. Yea I know too many Bond movies.