Good will always prevail over evil. I see that in me versus Klitschko.

Tyson Fury

I wake up to more snow, a small amount. I can see blue sky through the intermittent flakes falling from the sky. It is time to do what needs doing like every morning.

I gather food bowls, fill them give them to the cats. Winter is here, I now have additional chores. I need to walk out check the bird food, I also have 5 extremely feral kittens to take food to. They are too wild to bring in and may have disease, so I don’t dare bring them in. When the cold arrives they will most likely die, there isn’t much I can do about that. It would be a gentle kindness if the coyotes kill them. I will supply food and even try to build them a warm box to sleep in. I am too selfish to kill them. I don’t want that scar on my soul I have too many already.

The dogs I have had to shoot in the past, the kitten that battled a weasel and won but was left with a broken neck, I had to finish with a sledgehammer. The list goes on I don’t enjoy the killing, but like the suffering even less.

They deserved to live more than many humans I know. I don’t execute them either.

“You are either better than them or you are them” words of Rod

From that bit of morbidity onto the tasks of the day. Cats are all watered and fed. I forgot the broom to clean the solar panels, I decided while I was out there to let the sun do that.

I will have to cut some firewood and split it. I don’t have much, so I will ration it best I can. The forecast is for minus temperatures for the next week, maybe more. Winter has arrived. Maybe for today, I will cut up some reclaimed 2×6 that I have hoarded for years.

Do I feel well enough to chainsaw and chop? In no way, is there anyone else to do it? No

4:30 PM sun is going down a lot sooner, soon the 6 hour days come.