No matter what you’re going through, there’s a light at the end of the tunnel and it may seem hard to get to it but you can do it and just keep working towards it and you’ll find the positive side of things.

Demi Lovato

4 AM  got up to feed the fire, took a look outside I could see the northern lights dancing. Snow was soon to fall. Yup winter is here.

4 Kittens were communicating that their water bowl needed filling, by sleeping in the bowl. I would get to that later.

The fire didn’t light itself during the 4 am feeding I am out of practice. We all survived it was 10 indoors and -10 outside. I saw a little orange kitten outside when I took food out to them, so at least one survived. I did throw a blanket over the big old cat carrying case for them yesterday.

I went down to the water filter to change the daily bottle out and I noticed that the water tank level had dropped a half-inch. I immediately panicked. I found a leak at the valve, it was not leaking before but the extra water I added the other day caused a leak. I grabbed a pipe wrench and a big crescent wrench and started wrenching. I think I stopped the leak. I put a pie plate under the valve and will check it later.

I just had the most important first sip. I heated the water for coffee on the woodstove after relighting the fire.

I just made an important discovery it was the Costco multivitamins that caused the dizziness. I didn’t take them for four days and the dizziness subsided. I took some this morning dizziness is back. It may be just a coincidence, but it does require further examination.

Was me that lost my balance or was the load unbalanced? Doesn’t matter, just another highlight of my day. Maybe it was the Costco vitamins hahaha. Like my body didnt hurt enough 😀