There’s one major difference between James Bond and me. He is able to sort out problems!

Sean Connery

NOT REALLY James Bond isn’t dead but Sean Connery has moved on. 90 years old. Thank you and Goodbye, Mr. Connery. Take care of Honor Blackman.

Chainsawing is done, at least as much as I can. That equalled about two big loads in the wheelbarrow, just under a thousand pounds. How do I do that? My muscles are getting weaker by the day. I finally figured out why I can’t get up from a squatting position, my calf muscles are too weak. Pretty sure the diagnosis is some kind of Muscular dystrophy or something worse.

Oh well, the wood needs doing. I am soaked in sweat and tired but I need to go out and split later and then I need to transfer some water to portable containers. That is if it hasn’t all leaked out. I have a small leak in my storage tank. It could be fixed if I didn’t have water in it.

Productive day chainsawed, transported and split wood. Then did my laundry in my apartment-sized washer and spinner. I am drying the clothes on my ten-foot laundry rack, which also works as a ladder. I think it thinks it’s a ladder but right now my entire laundry is on it. I have learned to do all my laundry in 5 gallons of water. I even managed to catch one of the feral kittens, poor thing is all alone in the bathroom getting used to being inside. I need to catch another but all my clothes are wet.

I also got my water transferred to four 5 gallon portables to be used for cats’ dishes and the water filter. I don’t quite have that automated. I use a small electric pump, I bought on sale. Then found out I could have got that at half price somewhere else.

I am in a lot of pain right now, but I am relaxing at my desk in my flamed shorts. Yes, laundry day.