Perseverance is the hard work you do after you get tired of doing the hard work you already did.

Newt Gingrich

I got up early checked the weather and had a full-on panic. I checked it last night because I had groceries in the back of the van. It was supposed to -5 instead it was forecasted at -10, that means at my place it was probably closer to minus 15. I had made the trip into the big city and went to get a month’s worth of groceries. I was held up for an hour due to a problem at my post office, so that put me behind schedule. I knew I would be returning after dark or during twilight.

On the way in headlights worked great. On the way home no headlights. I prayed that Johnny Law wouldn’t catch me driving without. I drove home as fast and as inconspicuously as I could. I made it but the extra stress was a little tiring.

By the time I got Gracie back in her garage, it was dark. The groceries needed to wait until morning.

Which brings me to today. I knew a snowstorm was coming because I watch the predictions. That was confirmed with a heavy snowfall warning in place for my region.

So what’s next? Same old. Sharpen the chainsaw, fuel it up and cut wood. Which I did.  I kept cutting until my body said nope it’s time to quit. I staggered back to the house and peeled off layers soaked with sweat. I grabbed last night’s cold A&W coffee from the van and stumbled upstairs to my desk. Then put down the words you are seeing now.

I would have to go out later and retrieve the wood before it was covered in deep snow and ice. Later, the forecast says the snow will start coming down at 5 PM. I had three loads out there at least and some was very big stuff. Logs that I would add to my emergency pile in the entryway. I would have to move those first.

What about the disabilities? Doesn’t matter, the job needs doing I can deal with the pain later. Later I would feel extreme back pain, and muscle pain especially around the inside of my elbows near the joint.

Right now I needed breakfast. It was almost 1 PM


I just did transport and split. My body says NFW to moving it all inside. Instead, I had to stack. Stacked wood can be at least found by me in deep snow, but unfortunately also by thieves. And yes one year I had it happen. At least it was heavy and wet, they wouldn’t have a good time doing that.

The big logs are at least 18 inches in diameter.

Ain’t no hiding it I am not really a fan of country music, but I saw the old Chevy and that was it. I may not like the music, but I do own an old Chevy pickup and I do have cowboy boots. My hat was stolen, gotta get me another.

These twanging yokels are disrespecting the truck. God is watching you.

Lucille my truck