Sometimes I’ve believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast.

Lewis Carroll


Another wild kitten rescued from the deep freeze that is my front yard. In January, it would have frozen to death. There are three more to capture.

I really don’t need more cats I have ten times more than a crazy cat lady needs for her status card. More important I don’t need the stain on my soul from the needless death of animals. Although I have been known to eliminate cat killers and some rodents that didn’t listen when I asked them to move to another pond.

The daily chores are done animals all fed including the birds outside. Most are watered even the rest of the kittens outside. I am having my morning coffee, well almost coffee the water could have been a little warmer, I have brown water with milk. I am happy to have that.

Health is better than most days my muscles are sore, my knees hurt like hell, I am concerned about the dry cough but no dizziness or vertigo so far. You can add the shoulder joint right side, something bad and painful is happening there. Yes that is the shoulder I dislocated and put back into place myself, no choice I was out where there was no access to medical. How? Wedged my wrist in the crotch of a tree and snapped my body backwards, yea that wasn’t enjoyable but got the job done.

After that re-injured my shoulder again when the rear brakes seized on my Harley going down a very bad hill causing a very bad spill. Skidded down that hill between Harley and cement divider, for about three hundred feet. The fun part the tow truck driver was afraid to pick up my bike so I had to stand it up with a separated shoulder. That wasn’t fun either, I got the bike home then drove myself to the hospital.

Half-hour after being inside the feral kitten is sitting on my lap quietly. I since cleaned the gunk from its eyes. It is a bundle of orange fluff. I used to have a cat that looked like it.

It is a gray day that looks like more snow about to happen. I checked the forecasts they say no. No solar generation today, I need to run the generator, but I won’t do that unless there are other reasons to run that and firewood is that other reason, sharpen chainsaw, cut, transport, split and transport again. yeehaw!!. Poor old rusty wheelbarrow, poor old disabled man. hahaha

I spoke too soon about my health the dizziness came back right after I ate my cereal. Now deafening tinnitus.