Looks like snow even with the blue in the sky.  That will come with a vengeance. It always does.

More wood cutting and splitting in my near future. Water also needs transferring from the tank into  5 gallon cans.

All needs doing. I hope I have enough cycles to get done the things I need doing. I need to run 12 volts up to my desk. I am getting the work done on my battery bank using retrieved 18650 batteries from old laptop cells.

I am charging the batteries, one a time throwing away the ones that are bad. In a few days, I hope to have a charger that can do four and test capacity. I am sure that will take a month. Then I can start assembly.

I need more parts but I can only order a few at a time. Working with salvaged components saves money but costs time.

The goal is to have the battery charged by solar and give me extra capacity to be used at night and on cloudy days. It is also to see if I can do it. My how-to comes all from youtube.

Health today? Knees and neck are the focus today both very painful.

I just got in from cutting wood. Yup way overdid that. I am short of breath and chest-pounding, soaked in sweat. I managed to stumble back inside after stacking a few. I read that you can tell how good a man is, by how soon he stacks the wood he cuts. I didn’t stack everything, so I guess I am just a disabled man with good intent.

I have to go back out later and transport some wood in for splitting. I will have to rest awhile. I am extra fatigued.

Generator carried up to starting point, fueled up and started. The 60-pound generator now weighs 90 pounds. Grabbed the wheelbarrow took that out to the woodpile. Loaded that full of logs. Brought it inside, unloaded it ready for split. Split the wood loaded it back on the wheelbarrow brought it to the fireroom door. Then onto the water room primed the tiny water pump turned it on, forget to point the wet end into a container. Filled the water filtration system filled 4 5 gallon containers and a one-gallon container for watering the plants I had left.. Shut off the water pump.

Immediately filled the kitty bowls, poor things were dry. Took off my winter coveralls and snow boots, forgetting the split wood was still outside. Put the snow boots back on, brought the wood up the ramp.  Locked the door. Collapsed at my desk transferred the pictures to here, wrote this. Now I am tired.

Turned this into that.