Life is good when we think it’s good. Life is bad when we don’t think.

Douglas Horton

Great morning some of my boy cats escaped outside. This is not good. It is winter, there are a lot of predators. This is how I lose cats. I was very thankful for the ones that stayed inside. I can’t feed the birds, I can’t catch the escapees while they are enjoying their freedom. And to add to all that no fire to heat water, so just lukewarm brown water that passes for coffee this morning.

I was thinking to myself those cats don’t even know how good they have it. Then I looked at me. I didn’t know how good I have it. I may have many aches and pains to complain about, but I am still alive and breathing air. With difficulty sometimes yes. Doing even the simplest things cause me pain, I get tired easily.

But I am still here kicking. Barely some days.

More things to add to my day all the outside cats have disappeared. My wheelbarrow is empty. It means going out to chainsaw and split. A snowstorm has started. The Tuesday snowstorm has been upgraded to 35 cm.


Just been out to do the chainsawing. I cut way too much, stacked too much, moved too much. I needed to with the snowstorm coming.

If I could have crawled on all fours to get back inside I would have. I had a wheelbarrow full of wood to get inside. Pushing it through the snow felt like pushing it up a steep hill. I was breathing like an asthmatic granny having twins in an all smokers’ bingo hall.

My chest was thumping hard and loud.

As I got it through the threshold of the door half the load spilled. The only choice was to back up the wheelbarrow and move the spilled load. Imade the slow walk back in the house, peeled off soaked clothes and started to type this.

When I got back inside I felt a few chest pains. Oh oh, where were Gage and DeSoto and the ringers when you needed it? Add insult to injury there has been a covid outbreak ANNOUNCED TODAY at the local hospital not going there. I still needed to split and transport back inside.

What can I say I needed another and another and another before the storm.

Now I did that thing that I do. I emptied the wheelbarrow again. My OCD kicked in I need to fill it again. My body is saying RUFS. I decided to have another rest my elbow joint, shoulder joint and back were agreeing with that, and maybe my heart too.

Oh I saw one of the boy cats he had a manly bloody slice on the side of his face. He would feel that for a while. Still wouldn’t let me get close. Maybe tomorrow.

I rescued two of the boy cats. Scarface and orange butt. Both acting strange, like they never lived here before.

Still two missing one of the Siamese twins and one orange cat.

The sun is done and so am I. What took me all day to do would have been a couple of hours of work before I was injured and I wouldn’t be feeling pain. That was then this is now. I am disabled and feel pain. I am thankful for what I got done.