Old wood best to burn, old wine to drink, old friends to trust, and old authors to read.


Another gray snowy day. Another load of wood needs doing two If I can. Another snowstorm is on its way. The meteorologists can’t agree from one day to another how much will fall. From 2 to 40 cm. Whatever the amount I hope to have too much wood split and inside before it comes down. Bones are hurting that usually tells me when bad weather is coming.

I just ran out of powdered whole milk I use for coffee. I have two more bags waiting at the post office. I just need to get there tomorrow. Dependent on the snow. I would survive without. I have a can of evap milk.

Today another kitten was rescued, one more alive out there. I hope I can catch it. No sign of the two missing boy cats no tracks no sounds nothing. I hope they make it. Very cold weather coming in a few days after the snow.

Just finished the chainsawing and brought a load in. The bad thing now there are two loads inside to be split. They need to get done or I don’t get to get Gracie out of her garage and I will be having canned milk in my coffee. Yuck.

I cut way more than I need out there because once the snow is down I won’t be able to find those logs that are at ground level. I cut as many as I could today and hope to do more tomorrow. I know now that snow is coming for sure my grader operator just did my road. If he shows up it means a snowstorm is coming. I am sure it is because he gets two trips once before and once after the snow. He is more accurate than weather forecasters.

New rescue in the center with her brother and sister that were rescued before.

I got it wrong the wheelbarrow is for cats, not wood.


I am again soaked in sweat and a little stinky, after that work. I still need to go out and transplit two loads. (transport and split.) I am going to take a break and then head out again. Same old. Gas up the gen, start it, split wood transport, unload, rinse and repeat. All the wood has to be done as I mentioned.

Finished the splitting now. Two loads brought into the fireroom. No room for the cats that live in there. Bring on the snowstorm.