Advice is like snow – the softer it falls, the longer it dwells upon, and the deeper it sinks into the mind.

Samuel Taylor Coleridge

4 AM awake again. Throat pain is noticeable. I just read more outbreaks at two local hospitals, and we are under an extreme winter weather alert. I won’t be travelling.

It is 8:24 AM. I am having a wicked headache. The snowstorm didn’t arrive at 7:am like predicted but has been delayed until this afternoon. The extreme weather warning is still in place.

10:22 The snowstorm has arrived. I decided to take a snow day, after doing the chores of course. Fed those that needed feeding.


I just got up to check the snow 5 cm have fallen since it started. No signs of it letting up. Tomorrow will be the fun day. Cleaning the driveway. Did I mention I forgot to service the snowblower? I haven’t started it since last winter which would have been may MAYBE.

Solar Nope, the generator is running.

Louis Cipher chilaxing in front of the fire. He must be about 18 years old. Quite the survivor. He lasted outside for a month while I was in the hospital during a very cold winter. He was lost. I prayed and he showed up that day.

BTW don’t eat the raw cashews from Costco warehouse, something very bad about those.

8 PM. I just brought the gen inside looks like about 8 inches of snow have fallen. They have extended the weather warning till tomorrow. I expect the snow will be double by tomorrow afternoon. I will be removing snow after it is all over. Probably Thursday.

Which one of the song versions do you like? I am partial to the original since I saw Simon & Garfunkel live in concert.
