Start where you are. Use what you have. Do what you can.

Arthur Ashe

Today is a big workday. Snow removal. I have to remove what the storm left in my driveway. I might have enough wood split if I use the inside reserve wood which I really don’t want to do. If I use that there is nothing for emergencies, I have had a few in winter here, breaking ribs, falling on the ice on my back and worse. I live alone I can’t take the chance so splitting wood is on the menu.

After a good 6 or 7 hours of removing snow that will be fun.

Having a hard time with this journal it was completely down last night, it seems there was a hosting problem, many others also having difficulties. I am having a problem uploading pictures. I found a very complicated way to get the pictures here.

First I email to myself, pick up the email on my laptop, I use an ftp client to upload to the website. It still doesn’t show up but I know it’s there. I know the file name. So I put up a dummy picture then go into the HTML change the file name to match the file I uploaded.  Then I  can get the picture into the post will it stay when I publish. I will let you know.

Some critter hid from the storm in my generator shack last night.

Solar panels are swept off, Inside work is done. Taking a break before I  start the outside work. That will be getting the generator fueled up. Carry to the front door, making a path to the snowblower getting that outside. Service it best I can in the cold. Start the gen which should help start the snowblower. Clear the driveway and about 6 hours later get the snowblower back inside.  Get the gen back inside. Then it’s time to gather wood and split. There is nothing cut except for big logs. That will be exciting. My right shoulder joint and my left elbow are both messed.

And with some luck, Godaddy has fixed the image upload problem. They have thank you.

I went out, got the blower started and removed the snow from the driveway. I wish I would have remembered I now own chains for the blower. I should have put them on, but that would be a delay of an hour maybe two while I figure it all out. Next time.

I still need to split and transport wood for tonight.

Been there done that, got the cuts and bruises to prove it. Exciting stuff the grader came by and cleaned my road about ten days early. I get to go to town tomorrow.  Need gloves.