Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Willing is not enough; we must do.

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

I woke up with bad throat pain and severe dizziness. Was I concerned? Not too terribly.

I had a can of spicy veggie potato leek soup in between playing Skyrim for a few hours.

I did some reading. Skyrim causes motion sickness. Mine just shows up the next day. As for the throat pain, probably acid reflux burning my esophagus. Am I being a Pharaoh? You know King of Denial.  I hope not, time will tell. If the posts stop one day. I guess you will know.

I have some good news my two kitten holdouts living outside in -23. They lived. I fed them this morning.

I sent the mom cat out there to give them a little warmth. I still can’t catch them.

Update: I just managed to grab one of the kittens and got gored for my trouble. I am done with the rescue attempts. They are too feral to be brought inside. I will continue to feed them.


Just got back from town. I remembered to update my vehicle reg took an hour of waiting. While I was waiting one of the paramedics that took care of me during my car accident came in. I wasn’t sure if it was her. But she remembered me. I got to say thank you for what she did that day.

On the way home I remembered my headlights were not functioning. I knew but others were happy to remind me. I will have to fix that.