Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment.


Bright-eyed and bushy-tailed, what does that even mean? I am sure I am the opposite.

I took a selfie the other day. I look way older than I remembered. There are wrinkles around my eyes I don’t recall. My hair is greyer mostly in my beard. I am looking like Gandalf lately.

I was going to rush out there and gather wood blocks head to my splitter get the day’s work done, play gears 5. Which I bought for 12 bucks last night in an online sale.

Truth is I forgot to buy better gloves yesterday. Most likely my splitter will hardly turn at -21. The gen would be none too happy to run then either. Below -18 its doesn’t like to run. The new carb is in the box not installed yet. I am waiting for warmer sunnier days.

It is supposed to be warmer later in the day I will wait for that. Before I split wood, the carb would have to wait.

I fed the outside kitties. They seem to be alright. I don’t know-how. This morning I got a reminder of my encounter with one of them. I got gored trying to catch one. I wasn’t expecting that. Capturing the other siblings was a matter of walking up to the kitten picking it up and carrying them inside. Tamed in minutes and purring.

Anyways, I bumped into a door thumb first (where the wound is) and felt a lot of pain. Its claw maybe still in there. I hope it will work itself out. I could not retrieve and I can’t make another trip in till I repair the headlights. I wouldn’t go to the local hospital anyway.

So here I sit with the boys in the fireroom waiting for the kettle to boil on the woodstove, typing these words on my phone.

I forgot some important things out in the van last night, A jar of Honey and the most important my powdered whole milk for coffee. Which I just stirred some in. It makes a painful existence worthwhile. That first sip of coffee. Did you hear that sigh?

Today the lesson is about how important opposable thumbs are to the human condition. My right thumb is swollen. It won’t fit in scissors. I can’t turn a screw in with my hand. I can’t wait to try to use my xbox controller. Oh, yea first I need to pick up logs in cold weather unload them, pick them up again multiple times while I split them. And then there is carrying the generator getting it fueled, outside and started. And then transporting them to the fireroom and up the ramp.

I am not really whining, maybe a little. I am describing my challenges of the day. Who moved the gorilla tape? I needed to wrap that around my thumb a few times before I attempted any of this. So glad I tried to rescue a kitten that didn’t want to be rescued.

I found the gorilla tape hiding amongst the garbage piling up on the passenger side of the van. I will get to that one day when I need firestarter.

I did gorilla tape surgery and taped up my thumb best I could. Put on my gear and went out to the woodpile. The wood I found was wet and heavy it would dry out in the fireroom a little.

I loaded the wheelbarrow and headed inside. The van was parked too close to the front again. I wiggled through and unloaded. I started to split right away the little splitter was straining because of the cold. I was straining because I was too warm I put a sweater on under my insulated overalls. That was a mistake. I am soaked in sweat again.

Before I went out I was smart enough to start the download of my new game. For 12 bucks I didn’t expect the game to be huge.,70 GB. When I got back from splitting only 13 had downloaded, the rest would take 3 hours or more.  The Telus tech that keeps trying to illegally limit my download speed must be busy because the download speed is jumping everywhere. Starlink is coming. That’s going to hurt Telus and get us to Mars.