Aging can be fun if you lay back and enjoy it.

Clint Eastwood

Awake at 4:42 again. I discovered why I woke. My woodstove decided on its own to open the airflow. It did this once before when it was new. I woke and it was 50 degrees in the fireroom. That’s insane.  THE HOUSE COULD HAVE BURNED DOWN.

Tonight I will secure the airflow mechanism with a small c-clamp to keep that from happening. What a dangerous design. I won’t even discuss the oak handle on the front of the woodstove. Or a box inside that hangs so low that it forces smoke out the door when opened. Or the temp sensor that is on the top of the woodstove waiting for water to destroy it, from boiling kettles and melting snow.

Remove it and it leaves a hole directly to the firebox. Yup, there is a bolt in that hole now. The oak handles two of them burned to a crisp. I gave up on that. The worst part was the stove was way overpriced.


It is almost ten AM now. Waiting for the kettle to boil for coffee. I am contemplating my latest ailment extreme pain in the soul of my foot.

An internet search gave me an answer. Plantar Fasci something or other. Probably caused by my 15-year-old snow boots and the way I walk.

It is hard to see the ice fog in the pictures.

I did a water transfer today. It means using an electric pump to move water from the storage tank to 5-gallon containers.

From there it will feed cats and be poured into the filtration system to make pure water for coffee.

Then comes the fun part. I bought a pan pizza the other day. I have an electric oven/toaster for making pizza. I run that from the generator. It makes the gen run hard. But not today the gen would not power it.

It is time to install the made-in-China carb, and hope that will make my gen work.

The gen is getting 20 or more years old it might be time to retire it.

The pizza. Well, that is in a frying pan on the woodstove covered in tin foil. I don’t know if that will work. Doesn’t matter it will get eaten. I hate to waste food.

I will have to sit with the boy cats in the fireroom to guard it. They really like the smell of pizza.

Cat selfie. That’s Huey the only survivor of Huey, Dewey and Lewey.

I removed the pizza two minutes before the burn, I have something that is like melted cheese on hardtack. It is crunchy but edible.