Talk low, talk slow and don’t say too much.

John Wayne

Ever feel like your life is a video game and your graphic card is not functioning? Or maybe you don’t have enough ram?

It is how I feel right now.

As always doesn’t matter stuff needs doing, so I do what needs doing. Wood needs splitting cats need feeding. Solar batteries need attending, the headlights on Gracie need attention, maybe even changer oil today. That might be too ambitious.

Even getting breakfast together is difficult this morning. This morning, it is almost noon. Waking up to feed the fire is getting tougher. January will be interesting that should be when it gets the coldest it is also when I will probably run out of logs.

I got the gen fueled after I filled a gas can and brought it up. The wheelbarrow was already outside, I was able to at least think that far ahead. I got her started and went out to the woodpile. The only useable logs right now were under giant ones. So I brought a few closer to the house. I went back and picked up a load meant for splitting. These were not nice logs the orange color meant they were wet and rotten, The ones with blue might be alright, those were pine trees killed by pine beetles.

I brought them into the shop and unloaded ready for splitting. I was too hot to do the work right now it was very warm out. I went to my desk to type these words instead. The logs would be split later. They needed doing today, so they could spend a day or two in the fireroom drying out.

That was fun every log was wet and heavy. The load must be about 700 pounds. Getting it up the ramp was a challenge. I took a run at it made lots of noise and got the load inside. I would have to unload that so it can dry. I will have to go out and chainsaw tomorrow. I need to find some dry wood. It was going to be a cold night inside. Wet wood doesn’t burn that well and I have a load of wet cat wood pellets in the woodstove. They are barely burning. I thank God it is a relatively warm day. At night that will be down to-14 tonight.