To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment.

Ralph Waldo Emerson

Today is no different than the others. Feed the cats, feed the birds, cut firewood, split firewood then tend to indoor chores. Body aches and pains seem to be getting worse, sore muscles, sore joints and on and on.

Well that was easy. No it wasn’t it was horrible. What was easy before became difficult. My mind couldn’t get it right. I was just trying to relocate my solar batteries. I kept shorting them out. I slowed down went on the internet made some new wires, two hours later it is all hooked up. The thing I had a hard time with is I own one big battery and two little ones. I had them hooked up before. Three six-volt batteries to make 12 volts. Now I need to charge them they are low.

I meant to buy another big battery to make it all work out the right way. The store I bought them from says they can’t get me another. I would have to go to one of the big cities to get one. The cities that are filled with the walking dead, the anti-maskers. We are in the second lockdown here because of the high number of infected. Funny enough we also have the highest amount of  Covidiots in Canada.

I think I will wait.

I also put in a knife blade disconnect switch. I had two but I melted one.  Ooops. I will disassemble that one and make two posts to connect cables for charging. Soon but not today. Today I will split some wood, play a little Skyrim or Gears 5 and relax a little.

More hell today. My generator flashed a low oil light then quit. I added more oil. Maybe too much. I started the gen Gathered some wood and head in for splitting. The splitter wouldn’t run, the gen kept dying. I spent an hour removing all the oil, removing the gas, adding new premium gas and pulling the starter rope a hundred times. I realized after a while that I had closed the gas cap when I added oil. It shuts off the flow of fuel. Did I feel dumb?