A champion is someone who gets up when he can’t.

Jack Dempsey

Were it so easy? Another day in my life, I went out to gather wood, transport wood, split wood, and transport again. Ninety percent was heavy wet and rotten it would need a few days or more in the fireroom. I meant to go to town today. Cats are out of food and the Amazon package is late. It won’t be here until Monday. I will have to travel in tomorrow and buy a small bag of cat food. I fell asleep in the afternoon and it was too late to make it there and back before dark.

I still haven’t solved the headlight problem. I barely got through hooking up a few solar batteries.  Today I ran out of oil in my generator, because I drained it out yesterday, I did the very same thing. I closed the gas cap vent, so I could tip the gen on its side, and forget to reopen it. I went down to the splitter same thing happened.

After solving that problem I went on to finish the splitting, fed the birds along the way, and the two little kitten holdouts. I managed to get the heavy load up the ramp and into the fireroom. I was huffing and puffing. That reminds me to need to check my 02 levels. Yikes, I didn’t like that answer. It said 82 percent. I let it shut off and checked so it said what I wanted. 97 percent. I did that by pressing my finger in it a little harder. Don’t worry I checked it again after taking a few deep breaths. I am up to 94 percent we will leave it at that.

Now I feel Old