You can’t help getting older, but you don’t have to get old.

George Burns

Just another day here. Feed the cats, water the cats, empty the ash in the woodstove, get the fire started again. The house is cold I had to let the fire go out to do this nasty, dusty, lung choking job. It is colder than they said it would be. SO the house is colder than expected.

After that change the chain on the chainsaw cut more wood, load in the wheelbarrow, split and then bring inside. Oh yeah fuel and start the gen somewhere in the mix.

Ashes are done, boys’ litter boxes are done. Fire is re-lit. Soon time for chainsaw and chop. I think I will have a coffee first.


Not my biggest load not even my best split load, but enough to get me through the night. I had visions of having a chainsaw accident on my birthday, so I chose what I could salvage out there. Something I am sure I will be doing in February.