The mind is its own place and in itself, can make a Heaven of Hell, a Hell of Heaven.

John Milton

It seems I have a lot to say in my mind. Lately, I have a hard time getting those words to come out.

Today is a very painful day, bones and muscles hurting, more than a few. Lifting a 5 gallon can of water and carrying that to fill the cat’s bowls this morning was excruciating. Big word meaning it hurt like hell and it was double the weight this morning.

I am trying to decide my course of action today. I need lights working on Gracie by tomorrow and I need firewood, same as always. And now I learn we are to have an extremely cold winter. I don’t have enough firewood and I heard it is scarce this year. I haven’t tried to order any yet. I need to clean the woodpile, I have wood in there that is ten years old. I need to clean it all up.  If I have to I have lumber inside and out I can burn. I hope we make it.

I have spent my day cleaning up after the cats. Always a big job. I had a hard time moving a broom around I didn’t see how I was going to handle the chainsaw. I will see after this break.

I am watching the latest seal team series. The guy is injured, bleeding and in enemy territory carrying a wounded dog uphill in the snow. My day doesn’t seem so bad. Thank God for those involved in keeping those series coming in the middle of the pandemic.

I went out and attempted to work on the wiring. It wasn’t pretty. No power to the headlights, no power to the drm fuse, no power anywhere and my battery was very low.
I came up with a new plan I remembered that I had a foglight set. Big miracle I remembered that. I opened the box and there was everything I needed switch, lights, relay, and wiring. Mounting them to the number wasn’t going to be fun or easy but doable. I would go into town tomorrow, do my banking come home and wire them up. I am sure that was going to take me a few days.

Now I had a plan. Then I remembered something else I needed to get done, firewood cut, then split. I got the cutting done and the wood to the splitter but I stopped to write and have a break. After all, I am 63 now hahaha. What an excuse.

I am not sure How I did that. I forgot about when dark comes, rushed down and split as fast as I could. I should have stopped to pee first. By the time I was done and the cats fed supper, I really had a need for peed.

I got through all that got the wood inside now I just need to feed myself, oh and Cali I forgot to bring in food for my upstairs cat. She is complaining loudly.

Now that I am sitting at my desk and I think about what I did today, I really do feel old.