In presence of Nature’s grand convulsions, man is powerless

Jules Verne

8:24 AM before daylight.

We all survived My old poorly designed woodstove, the one with a brass door hinge shoved in between the door latch and an aluminum c-clamp holding the air intake closed, made an 8-hour burn. It was 20 upstairs in the loft, less downstairs but liveable.

I just tried to start the big generator. It laughed at me. I haven’t started that in years. Add insult to injury I left the fuel valve open. That means drain the tank, drain the carb, take off the carb clean it, put it all together. And still pray it would run.

Looks like I will be melting snow for water. I am not sure what I will do for power. The sun is not in the right position to generate solar power.

For fun I tried the old gen it laughed even harder when i pulled on the starter rope. My only hope would be the new gen arriving soon.

I am going out to chop wood and to gather snow. I hope I have the power to do that.

I went outside gathered snow. Nothing out there except low snow. Full of grass, leaves and twigs.

I realized it was really fookin cold. I brought the snow indoors right away. Mostly so I could justify running indoors for more clothes and a bandana, glasses, and even hearing protection. I didn’t really need those, but it did keep my hat from sliding and expose bare ears to the frigid wind.

Ready with gear all on I went out to the woodpile and started to split. In a few minutes, I remembered the extra jacket was not a great plan.

Soaked in sweat in -30 I kept splitting. That was made easier by the cold temp, the moisture in the wood, made the axe go right through the wood.

I still had to take breaks by dropping to my knees and piling wood closer to the wheelbarrow. An invisible enemy would never know I was so fatigued and in so much pain I could hardly stand.

The final piece to split couldn’t have come at a better time. I was exhausted. I got the wood on the rusty old barrow and started my trek up the icy driveway. I had to stop after twenty feet, posing for a picture to hide my pain.

I made it to the back door. Pushing it up the ramp I stalled again right at the top, 6 inches to go. I didn’t have any strength left. I reached in somewhere deep inside and summoned enough to finish my trip inside. I really don’t know-how.
Oh, come on!!! That’s not a booger that’s ice from my exhalation. Hahaha made you look.