Any form of over-indulgence creates within the body warning signs of destruction.

Mother Angelica

Ended my night with ocular migraines, last night. Woke with night sweats at midnight. Headache in the morning.

In the dim morning light, I can see we had some deep snow, and it is bitter cold. I fed my stray out the window as I fed the others. How much snow and how cold I will check after daylight. One thing for sure I needed to go out and chop wood and gather some of that fresh snow for melting.

The forecast says -37 tonight. It also says another storm coming tomorrow that will double the snow. Here comes the problem my new generator has not arrived. I need to move the deep snow before I can drive to town to pick it up when it does finally arrive. I need the gen to start the snowblower to clear the driveway.

I either get a gen running or I shovel a lot of snow by hand with a broken bod and a broken snow shovel. I am sure I already mentioned this before. For me, all this is at the top of my list of problems. I can chop wood in the cold, I can survive that. How much more I can do, well that will be interesting to find out.

I am almost ready to go and face the music. Except for the raw cashews. Cooking them didn’t work. They wanted a quick exit. And that is all I am going to say about that.

I went out long enough to grab a bowl of snow and snap a couple of pics. Looks like 6 to 8 inches fell so far. More to come this afternoon and even more tomorrow.

I am stalling now by enjoying coffee with the boys sitting on my milk crate.

I told myself I needed to wait until the snow melted so the cats could get some drinking water.

I had to bring in the snow so it could start melting. At least thats the lie I told myself. The truth was just pushing the load of logs through the deep snow to where I would chop them tired me out and hurt my back. Writing these words helped me save a little face and gave me the time to rest.
Well, I need to go back out there.

Thats what I did. I chopped, i felt every swing, every impact. My back was swearing in undeciphered Egyptian. Jack Frost wasn’t nipping my heels he was viciously biting my face, chewing on my throat and lungs.

I can relax a little,  my ordeal was over for now. I could stop and have a little breakfast even though it was closer to noon.

The load i split wasn’t really a manly 40 below load. It was more of a that’ll do pig load. It would get me through the night.

I did that thing I always do. I emptied the wheelbarrow. I needed to. The wood I chopped this morning was wet. Covered in deep snow. I needed to dry it out the best I could before the cold cold night.

I also decided I could chop another load of wood. I had some work to do first. A little carpentry and clean up. I already spent some of my afternoon on my hands and knees sweeping under my desk and taking the garbage out. It needed doing.

Next, I wanted to clean up my little growing room. No I don’t grow pot. This was meant for microgreens and plants. Somewhere safe from cats.

Right now I am feeding one of my boy cats the last can of wet food. He is very sick and most likely dying. He has open sores on his body and is very skinny.

I will make him as comfortable and loved the best I can.

I am working on my grow room, and it became apparent that I overdid it. I am recuperating by laying on the floor. I suddenly got so fatigued I couldn’t move.

I may have to postpone some of my plans today.

I did get my dump find portable rocker up. I am sitting in it now. From here I get a good view of my solar panels and I can see a little falling snow.

That second load of wood didn’t get chopped. I felt a pain in my lower back. The same pain I felt just before the extreme back spasm that caused me to crawl to my vehicle to get to the hospital. I really didn’t want a repeat of that event.

I checked the forecast the bulk of the second storm will happen in the afternoon. I hope that’s the case.

There is another small problem the snowfall warning has changed to an extreme cold event. I Will be chopping in bitter cold -40 with the windchill. OH, WELL NEEDS DOING.