Don’t watch the clock; do what it does. Keep going.

Sam Levenson

Just when I was still patting myself on the back for getting my snowblower started and cleaning my driveway, it snowed again.

I am not sure how much yet still dark here. First look with the light from my phone it looks substantial. I hope not.

I am not sure my body could handle wrestling that heavy machine two days in a row. BTW this was not included in the forecast. I was suspicious last night to see there was an alert across the BC border which is only 80 miles from here.

Gotta go my phone is almost out of battery. I may not have a way to charge it. There was another 8 cm out there.


A lot didn’t get done today. I am pretty sure that is not gud engrish.

Today turned out to be a day of rest. Doing the driveway didn’t seem important since the gravel road is not done. There was at least 16 inches of snow there. As confident as I was of Gracie’s abilities. I think this beyond her capabilities.

That old van would get stuck in the deep snow without any way of retrieving her. So we wait.
I would have to chop wood tomorrow. Maybe even clean the path to the woodpile.

I am going to worry about the evils of the day. Will the woodstove be able to heat the pasta or make more pasta mush. That is my only worry right now.