The heavy fog warning continues 3rd day in a row. My solar batteries are as low as they can go. I am typing these words on my phone and that battery is at 29 %.

My generator was last seen in Calgary on the 23 of Dec. I plan to try for the 5th time to get one of my old gens working.. i don’t have much hope for that.

I have 60 or so 18650 batteries i had hope to make a battery bank with. The batteries need further testing before that happens to make sure they are safe. Too many of those explode and burn.

If i could find my battery holders i might be able to make a temporary setup. Right now I can’t even find my 12 pound splitting maul and that is a big item. I am sure those are right next to my bluetooth headphones and a lot of other things. All in a safe place…….somewhere.

First thing I chopped two more logs that will get me through today. Bad chest pains behind my left breast. I don’t think it’s a heart attack. Although I do have pain in my left arm. I am sure that is muscle pain.

Cats are fed, but i need to go out and get snow to melt. I am just taking a quick rest before I go out to do that.