He who knows that enough is enough will always have enough.

Lao Tzu


Sad, I watched the sun on my solar panels. I got less than ten minutes in full sunlight. The sun is too low. Its in the trees and behind my house. My generator is lost somewhere on a Canada Post truck between Calgary and here it was last scanned Dec 23.. I have no way to generate power unless I pull my van outside and haul two heavy batteries out there and run the van. That just isn’t feasible. I am sure my solar batteries are too low and are being damaged. I pray I can bring them back.

I used my tablet to take pictures today while my phone charged. I could barely charge one device at a time. I chopped wood and gathered snow like I need to do. When I got everything inside and unloaded I realized I might need one more log chopped. That wasn’t a fun idea breathing was difficult today.

I fell asleep, now it’s night. I could chop wood in the moonlight, it wouldn’t be the first time. We we will see how far the wood goes.

My generator was scanned at Grande Prairie. With some luck I should have it tommorrow. Which would be good. Another heavy snowfall sheduled for Thursday.