Your success and happiness lies in you. Resolve to keep happy, and your joy and you shall form an invincible host against difficulties.

Helen Keller

4:42 AM More stuff hurts. Snow is coming. My most accurate weather forecasting system was in my driveway this morning. The grader operator. The one that keeps the snow clean on my gravel road, so I can get Gracie to town when I need to. I am very thankful for the heads up and the snow ploughing. 

Now I checked with the two weather services online and sure enough from 10 to 20 cm of snow is coming starting early tomorrow morning.  That’s 8 inches for those who are old like me.



It is 12:30 PM. I am taking a break for breakfast and coffee. I am feasting on organic maple walnut granola soaked in oat milk that covered fresh blueberries and organic banana chunks. I love the day after shopping, fresh food.  Were the blueberries organic? Doubtful but they were tasty.

I still need to do a little more work before I start the gen again. I need to run it three more hours and then pull it inside, let it cool, change the oil and then fill it full of gas, lug it back outside start it and go back to playing video games. No change the oil now, fill it full of gas haul it outside than play games uninterrupted. That was a better plan. I was hurting way too bad to move that thing four times. 

I promised myself I would do a few things first. My solar batteries didn’t do so well yesterday 7 hours of charging and overnight the voltages dropped low again. bank A 12.3 volts and bank B 12.1. I hope with another 10 hours of charging they will come back. I can only pray. I just replaced bank A with new golf cart batteries a few weeks ago. If they are damaged I will have to save and buy new ones. I really don’t want that because it means taking money out of the food budget for a few months to do that.

I will see what happens after today’s charging. I did notice the little gen was a lot noisier after bringing it in. I will have to check the best I can.

I miss my two wheels maybe before I die will get to do that some more.