Still reeling from yesterday’s near-death event. But carrying on.

Cats are fed snow is gathered, the wheelbarrow is outside. I also carried three fat logs through last nights snow ready for chopping, filled a gas can, carried over a forty-pound bag of wood pellets. Now I am taking a quick rest before I go out to chop the wood for tonight’s fire. They were 80 pounds apiece.

Firewood is split and inside as is the snow water. I am not embarrassed to say I am walking like a zombgyptian. I just finished two hours of hard labour I have another half hour before total collapse, litter boxes need attending, just add some fresh wood pellets, the generator needs checking out and filled with gas.

I forgot to mention after the superheated gasoline sprayed all over me and the hot engine, the gen ran again. And it ran for 9 hours 26 minutes. NO ONE WAS MORE AMAZED THAN ME.

This load is just from two logs.

It’s noon now I am going to have some breakfast and coffee.
It snowed again.