The secret of your future is hidden in your daily routine.

Mike Murdock

In a little while, I will be going to do what I do most days in the winter, go out chop wood, fetch snow for melting and bring all that inside. Right now I am sitting watching SGU and having my morning coffee.

Today is wiring day. I hope to finish getting another 12v harness up to the loft. I have new voltmeters for the battery banks, but they are too bright, so I need to wire a toggle switch for each one. I am also adding a way to charge and test batteries here in the loft, so I can finish the battery bank I started years ago.

In the third picture is my 25-pound feral cat who survives the harshest winters. I feed him when he comes around hoping he won’t eat the little birds I feed. In two years of this going on, I have been able to touch his nose, and he doesn’t run off at the speed of light. He is the father of many of the cats I have here. The Last count was 34.

I also need to sweep and do the litter boxes again. Always a painful task.

I really am not a crazy cat person, but I won’t let them die. So I feed them, protect and take care of them the best I can. I fear for them because if anything happens to me no one will know and the cats will suffer.

How wood can a wood chopper chop? That depends on how long his broken back lasts. Today it was just four logs, enough to get me through the night I hope. I sure miss the electric splitter. I am sure that chopping by hand is good for me. REALLY?