The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing.


It’s been two years since I started writing this blog.

Another day dawns the cold weather is coming. I have used half of my February wood. I have been in too much pain to chainsaw more. Which also means digging in the deep snow to find the logs.  So when -25 comes in February I will be digging, sweeping, raking snow off the log pile to cut firewood.  Fun times.

On the upside of things I did run 12 volts to my office and was able to test the first 18650 batteries. At four hours to do four batteries. It’s going to take a while.

My outside work is done. Snow gathered, wood gathered and chopped. As you see I also had time to take a few pics.  That wasn’t the highlight,  I had the opportunity to have a bath, well at least my version. In the Navy, like I have mentioned here before, we call it a birdbath. When we were out at sea our freshwater machine would breakdown often (desalinization plant) Our water was rationed. Soap up then rinse that shut off. For me now it’s melt snow on the woodstove, heat it up and wash. Although it wasn’t warm.

The rest of my day will be spent working on wiring, starting the gen, transfer water to containers, maybe even wash some clothes, and hang them out to dry. After all that kill some militant cultists in Hope valley. FC5.

Well, that’s exciting also got laundry done and transferred water. I have a little apartment size washer that also does a spin dry. The exciting thing is I did a month’s worth of laundry in 15 gallons. Now everything is drying on my ten-foot aluminum dryer, which also doubles as a ladder.

It is near midnight woke up in extreme pain, in new places on my body. My left ear this time. More pain in my right knee. That knee was extremely damaged when I was hit head-on by a drunk driver in Aug 1986. That took 12 hours of surgery the first time to repair and another 4 hours a few months later. That surgeon was the last time I would have good work done by a doctor, Since then there has been nothing but bad ones.