Poison is in everything, and no thing is without poison. The dosage makes it either a poison or a remedy.


It is before daylight.

I am feeling pain in the wrist that a specialist decided wasn’t worth fixing. I feel pain in my back that an orthopedic surgeon didn’t bother to fix even after months of complaining. I have headaches now that are permanent a specialist in Edmonton told me to take Advil, because he didn’t want to look into it. I feel heart pain, that specialist who spent more time talking about his impending divorce than telling me what the problem was. He said I have a serious heart problem that will either kill me or it won’t. I feel pain in both knees from different car accidents. They were supposed to be replaced ten years after the drunk driver destroyed them in a head-on collision. That happened in 1986.

My lungs burn with every breath, my belly is hard and distended, could that have to do with the asbestos I was grinding in the belly of the destroyer during refit. You know when we were not given masks to protect ourselves. Do the local doctors think that’s a problem, no they don’t.

Could the muscle pain and problems with falling, you know the times I fractured my elbow, fell on my hip, broke my toe ( the one that is the wrong color and bent a wrong angle permanently. Have to do with the MS I suspect I have. No, a local doctor thinks I have sleep apnea. WTF where did these people go to school?

I feel pain all of the time. I don’t believe in Pharma, nor illegal drugs. Painkillers are not the answer. I had a bad infection in my jaw last year and I took Tylenol, I used to take aspirin because I thought it was good for my heart then I found out it was eating away at my esophagus. So now I don’t even take those.

I was adding turmeric to my food, but I really didn’t feel any benefit. So now I just have my granola in the morning with a banana if I have one, and my morning coffee. In the afternoon I have whatever food I happen to have in stock. Supper is the same. I try to buy organic if I can. Although the 17 megacorps the ones with no ethics have started to buy the organic companies, most likely, so they can fill them full of non-organic food and hide that under a label. Do some reading you will find out most of the food on the planet is processed by the same megacorps. That favorite brand you like is made by them.

Even the water you buy at the store is mostly processed by Nestle, you know the water that is full of microplastics. I filter my own water using Berkey filters, does it make a difference? I don’t know, but I believe it does, so for me it does.

So the question is. Am I still proud to have served in the Canadian military? The answer is yes. I believe in the country but not the people who govern us. they are not to be trusted. Take a look south that should confirm some things for you.